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A 465 article database on the Culture universe by Iain M. Banks.
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Special Circumstances (SC for short) is a subset of Contact that assigns itself the handling of unusual, tricky, secret, or otherwise "special" situations. Generally viewed with a mixture of contempt and admiration by the Culture at large, SC does the dirtiest and bloodiest work that the Culture (in SC's opinion) needs doing. Described by Bora Horza Gobuchul as "their [the Culture's] euphemism for Military Intelligence,"[1] SC often acts outside of the values and morality of the Culture, in order to propagate and preserve those same values. More...
- Consider Phlebas (1987)
- The Player of Games (1988)
- Use of Weapons (1990)
- Excession (1996)
- Inversions (1998)
- Look to Windward (2000)
- Matter (2008)
- Surface Detail (2010)
- The Hydrogen Sonata (2012)
Short stories
- The State of the Art (1991)
- Descendant (1987)
- A Gift from the Culture (1991)
Companion works