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Arbitrary was a Culture Mind. It carried out the Contact survey of Earth in 1976-77 CE.[1]


The Mind was implanted into an Escarpment-class General Contact Unit[1] constructed at the Infracaninophile manufactory in Yinang Orbital.[2]

Arbitrary redeployed in 1975 CE from the General Systems Vehicle Bad For Business after a rest and refit layover. The GSV was a thousand lightyears corewards and in contact when Arbitrary located Earth and proceeded to survey the planet for fourteen months to assess Earthhumans for Contact by the Culture.[1]

Listach Petrain became interested in Earth about a hundred years[3] after its survey by the GCU Arbitrary in 1976-77 CE.[1] He petitioned Diziet Sma, a member of the ship's crew during the survey, for a personal recollection.[3] Sma was forced to delay filling the request due to Special Circumstances work, and Petrain received a stalling letter composed by Skaffen-Amtiskaw, Sma's SC drone bodyguard.[4] In the course of correspondence, Petrain sent Sma news of Arbitrary's activities of the past decades.[3]


Arbitrary collected snowflakes. It took on two flakes wherever it found frozen water in search of two identical crystals.[5]

Known Crew[]

  • Djibard Alsahil
  • Tel Ghemada
  • Li'ndane
  • Dervley Linter
  • Tagm Lokri
  • Roghres Shasapt
  • Diziet Sma
  • Lanyares Sodel


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The State of the Art, chapter 2.1
  2. The State of the Art, chapter 7
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 The State of the Art, chapter 1
  4. Use of Weapons, chapter 1.Two
  5. The State of the Art, chapter 6.4